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Determination of Poly Aromatic Hydrocarbon lpAH; in Fish Smoked with Dilferent Wood Smoke

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dc.contributor.author Wijesuriya, H.G.E.
dc.contributor.author Madage, S.S.K.
dc.contributor.author Gunasekara, M.M.N.P.
dc.contributor.author wickramasinghe, I.
dc.date.accessioned 2019-01-02T09:03:56Z
dc.date.available 2019-01-02T09:03:56Z
dc.date.issued 2017
dc.identifier.citation Wijesuriya, H.G.E., Madage, S.S.K., Gunasekara, M.M.N.P., Wickramasinghe, I., (2017)."Determination of Poly Aromatic Hydrocarbon lpAH; in Fish Smoked with Dilferent Wood Smoke", 6th ICSUSL -2017, Food and Nutrition en_US
dc.identifier.uri http://dr.lib.sjp.ac.lk/handle/123456789/7882
dc.description.abstract attached en_US
dc.description.abstract Fish smoking is tnost extensively used simplest preservation technique. Accumulation of carciuogenic Poly Aromatic Hyclrocalbons (PAHs) generated tr-om wood burning is a major problern associated with the srnoked tish. Therefore, objective of this study was ki select sr"ritable firewoocl available in the country tbr iish smoking. Theretbre, srnoked fish was pfocessed using maliuated yellow fin tuna (Thtmnus ^crlbac,ores) and Blacktrip tr.avely (.Carottx heberi) with fbur clitfbrent types of woocl smoke (Mango, Jack, Nee1.r a1d Cinnauron). Fish srr. okirtg was carriecl out tbllowing similar conclitiols of wootj ancl smoking chafirbel developed at ITI Proximate composition, water activity, colour, textllre, PAHs content and microbiological quatity of fresh flsh, market smoliecl f.ish ald cleveloped srnokecl fish were analyzecl. Organoleptic qualities of samples were analyzecl using trained sellsory panel of lTL The PAHs in the sarnples were analyzecl usir.rg Agilelt 1260 Infinity HPLC. Results wele statistically analyzecl using SpSSlg sofiware. Moisttrre, protcin, ash and content of lreslr travely and tuna wer.e rzinged frorl 72.13?o13.39%,21.53%-22.84%,0.98%-t.34o/o,4.39%-5.3896 and74.B3oh-15.49%.22.13% - 23 '42%, 22.13% - 23 .42%, 1.03% - I . l3% r'espectively. Same as APC of fresh trlvely and ttlua were ranged li'om 4.7 x l0e- 8.0 x lOe ancl 6.6 x l0e- 9.0 x l0e. Moistr-rre couteut, water activifl', fat content of smoked travely and tuna ranged trot.n 69.32,yo -1l.ZS%, 0.978 - 0.990, 8.13% - 12.85%and 69.93% - 73.249'0, 0.913 - 0.98i, r.r3% - 2.58% respectively. APC just;rfter sn-roking travely and tuua were taugecl fi.om 2.6 x 105- 3.g x 10'tand 1.7 x 105- 4.0 x 105. Smoked fish processecl with both fish species were shown signiticant dilTerence of APC just after srnoking ancl atter Tday under- l.e1i-iger.ated conditions (P<0.05). Yeasts and tnolcls were only detected in smokecl fish with Neerl wood. E. coli and Salmonello were not detected in all srnoked products. Firrnness ranged ti'onr 0.577- 1.247 in smoked tlavely and 0.874- 1.641 insmoked tuna. There was no any PAHs detected in ftesh travely samples. The total PAH levels (pglkg) in travely smoked using Jack, Neem, Cinnamon and Mango were 4g202.2, 14194.1,119gg.9 and 1920.g respectively. The toral PAHs in ti'esh runa was lggl.lpg/kg. Toral pAHs (pg/kg) of
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.title Determination of Poly Aromatic Hydrocarbon lpAH; in Fish Smoked with Dilferent Wood Smoke en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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